Monday 20th June. Blyth to the Farne Islands.

Farne Islands
Lots and lots of birds. Guillemots, puffins, cormorants, razorbills, terms. All very smelly when the wind blows from that direction.


  1. That IS a lot of birds and no mistake ! Lovely sunset too (Steve)

  2. "They consist of 28 islands with varying visibility depending on the tide. Some of the islands have wonderful names, Megstone, Elbow, Wideopens, Goldstone, The Bush ...
    The Farne Islands are formed by the most seaward outcrops of the volcanic intrusion called the Great Whin Sill ... The dolerite rock gives the Farne Islands their distinctive blackened appearance."

  3. Replies
    1. At times yes but the worst was the smell. I won't be going back.


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