Saturday 25th June. Day out with Raj and family.

Day trip to anchor off Inchcolm Island.


  1. How lovely that you were able to meet up with Raj and family. I remember that last year he showed you round Edinburgh, right? It´s so nice that you have kept in touch all these years. I wonder what he thinks about 14 being sold. How many years did he live there with you all ( Robert, Conor, etc.)?
    Luckily the weather allowed you to make a cuppa for them. Such a grey, glowering sky.

  2. Golly, in that photo of you and Raj I can´t believe that Raj is wearing just a T-shirt. You are all well wrapped up. It reminds me of when we visited Queenstown last year and the weather was absolutely freezing. We passed an ice cream shop where a couple were seated outside eating ice creams and wearing T-shirts! They had to be Scottish!


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